Sunday, April 15, 2007

Get a Good View of French Property

It may seem like the viewing of a property is the least of your worries when thinking of buying in France but turning up unprepared could put you off a potentially great investment.

Most property experts advise that potential buyers contact their agent before they even get to France to develop a relationship and ensure they have them on their books.

All appointments with estate agents must be arranged in advance as it is unlikely that someone will be free to do a viewing immediately.

Trips to view homes that are off the market are a waste of time and money so it is usually advisable to double check that the property you have seen is still available.

Most agents will want to show you more than one property so it is recommended to take at least a day to head across the English Channel for viewings.

Potential buyers should also be prepared for the type of house they are visiting and dress accordingly. An old derelict farmhouse is likely to have mud on the floor so wearing you best dress is not advisable. Similarly, someone hoping to purchase a plush chateaux may opt for smarter attire.

Most important of all is to ensure the agent is aware of exactly what you are looking for or the viewing could prove a waste of time for both you and your guide.

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